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Extensions: Remove Down-Arrow from Menu
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andreasbernhofer 3 years ago
Extension Menus do have a Down-Arrow by default. I guess this is a relict from the past when EasyEDA and also Extensions just had Icons in the main menu. The Down-Arrow should be removed, it makes no sense... ![2021-03-19 22_44_51-EasyEDA(Standard) - A Simple and Powerful Electronic Circuit Design Tool.png](// Maybe also seperate Extension Menus with a vertical divider from the regular Menu items.
turbobabr 3 years ago
Hey Andreas, You can safely remove that annoying arrow right after calling: ``` `api('createToolbarButton', { })` ``` Using this query: ``` $( "a[menu^='#mm-common-extension-svgimport'] span.m-btn-downarrow").remove(); ``` `mm-common-extension-svgimport` \- this prefix is consistant across sessions\, just change the ending with the relevant extension identifier\.
turbobabr 3 years ago
@andreasbernhofer Removing those arrows will not help a lot\, since the current \`APIs\` do not allow to scale the number of installed plugins\. The whole concept of extensions becomes completely unusable after adding 4\-5 extensions that contribute to the main menu \- it simple doesn't scale\.\. :\( I'm currently experimenting with a custom "glue" like extension, that aimed to help to get rid of the clutter and consolidate all the menu items into a single element: ![image.png](// It looks quite promising, since it's possible to have more than 4-5 extensions installed! :) Also experimenting with a \`Command Palette\` like UI for running independent commands using search box without messing with the main menu\. The only issue is that all the extensions should provide some additional manifest data (menu, list of commands for the search box, keybindings for specific commands) as well as a fall-back menu button in case that Runner extension is missing.
turbobabr 3 years ago
Forged to include the pic of the search box UI: ![image.png](//
andreasbernhofer 3 years ago
@turbobabr The arrow is more a cosmetic thing and I've seen that the Themes Extension already removed it the way you also suggested. But I don't think extensions should mess with the UI in that kind of way if it's not part of their functionality. Fixing the UI here is EasyEDAs job and I'm happy to wait for them to step in here. I really think they just forgot about it, because in earlier versions EasyEDA just had Icons with Drop-Downs everywhere on the main menu and the down-arrow was the correct default for extensions. ![2021-03-20 09_26_12-easyeda – Google Suche.png](// And yeah, I'm aware of the overflow-issue with the menu bar, I also thought about making a submenu. But I'd actually keep them in the menu and only create a submenu for those who won't fit the page anymore. Alternatively, just break the menu to nex line... The `Command Palette` looks nice though ;)
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