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Fatal Error: Unknown subcircuit called in:
1940 8
mech11 1 year ago
How do i identify which subcircuit has the error? I have tried different circuits and this portion is always the same pointing to a subcircuit but I can not figure out where to find the identified subcircuit. \(the latest one is xu1 m3\_3 gnd xu1\_3 just as an example\) Thank You
andyfierman 1 year ago
You need to make your simulation schematic public and then share the link to it. You also need to read and study the example simulations in the Simulation Tutorial, (3) in (2) in: [](<br> <br> <br> <br>
mech11 1 year ago
I do realize that if I want help with a specific problem I would need to post my schematic and I will do so if needed but I was asking a general question. Is there a way in Easyeda to know what circuit the error message is referring to. It should be a simple yes or no.
UserSupport 1 year ago
Hi you need to place the spice symbol at system library, if you place not spice symbol, you need to add the spice model by yourself via: your symbol - edit - spice model
andyfierman 1 year ago
Unfortunately it is not a simple yes or no answer which is why the Simulation Tutorial is written as essential reading before attempting simulation in EasyEDA, even if you are already familiar with simulation and modelling. As UserSupport has just explained, you can search for simulatable symbols in the Spice Symbol Library but there is no searchable list of spice models - as opposed to spice symbols - in EasyEDA. If you did not get the Symbol from the Spice Symbol library or the Commonly (Used) Library in SIM mode then unless it is a simple RLC component then it will not work in simulation. Reading the Preliminary Remarks will explain where to find spice symbols that will work in simulations. It also explains what options there are if you wish to simulate a device that is not already in the Spice Symbol library. Sections 14 and 15 explain how to create your own spice symbols and attach models to them. Please note that although there are UserContributed Spice Symbols, many of them do not work. Having written the tutorial and built many of the spice symbols and models, the UserContributed spice symbols with my username against them usually do work. For any spice symbols that do not please submit an Error Report. You can inspect the LTspice netlist to gather more information about what may be missing in term of a spice model but in general as in your example, xu1 refers to a symbol with the prefix of U1 so look for the device name such as LM741 or AD812 in the schematic. The subcircuit name should be at the end of the line in the netlist starting xu1 in the netlist and the name should be based on the actual device name. If the subcircuit name is visible in the netlist line and you get the missing subcircuit error message then that subcircuit is not in the library.
mech11 1 year ago
They are from the spice library and they do have the proper symbol and footprint. This is a different message it is not the "There are some parts haven't spice model" error.
andyfierman 1 year ago
The footprint only applies to the symbol in Std mode and has nothing to do with the spice model assignment in Sim mode. What is the error message? Screenshots? Spice netlist? <br> <br> <br> <br>
maryzmnassejje7 10 months ago
am getting this error. ' there are some parts havent spice model, please use 'EElib' and spice symbol at libraries of simulation model, or you can assign the spice model for them: U1: 100NF U2: IRLML0040 Q1: 50A02CH U4: 30OHMS U3: 220 OHMS U5:R1K U6: R10K HOW DO I GO ABOUT IT
andyfierman 10 months ago
Either you have chosen the IRLM0040 and 50A02CH parts from a library other than those described in the error message you describe above. The R1K and R10K parts are probably not recognised as spice parts either. Before attempting simulation in EasyEDA it is essential that you read and study the example simulations in the Simulation Tutorial, (3) in Welcome to EasyEDA, (2) in: [](<br> <br> The points above are explained in there.
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