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【File Collection】Collecting the PCB files which are failed with Auto Route
5289 15
UserSupport 3 years ago
We are checking with the auto route, if you have been got the auto route failed, please export your PCB as EasyEDA source file and then send to [](<br> <br> Email topic: Auto route fail - (fail behaviour) and attch your PCB json files <br> we will have a look Thank you
sikwal 3 years ago
``` Thank you. I will send the files to you. How to send files from the program to the mail ```
sikwal 3 years ago
``` I sent the projects to you ``` ``` ```
sikwal 3 years ago
``` The board does not appear to me 3D ```
andyfierman 3 years ago
@sikwal, Please help to keep forum topics and post relevant and informative. Please copy and paste your various questions into a new topic in the appropriate Category. Then please delete your post above in this topic because they are not informative or relevant to it. You will find instructions on how to delete you topics and comments here: [](
sikwal 3 years ago
``` Enjoy ```
cjohnson 3 years ago
Sent in a design I had already completed but wanted to try out the autoroute feature.
temporary 3 years ago
Sounds good. Next time I will send in problem boards. I have more than 50 projects under my belt with Easy EDA (not all under this user name). I have seen a general improvement in the auto-router over time (so thanks). In general I have adapted to what the auto-router likes. Nowadays the auto-router has very few DRC errors but they still occasionally occur. The problem (that I see) is that the auto-router does not go round or avoid high congestion areas. It then blocks off access to those areas preventing the auto-router from completing the board. High congestion areas are generally around IC pins (in general I use through hole ICs). So careful attention to layout is important. An example of a bad layout a long row of ICs, a better layout is a square area. One tactic is to use a via that is the same width as the track (and make the track wider). This makes it easier for a track to jump and land somewhere. Another tactic is to adjust trace width and spacing to limit the number of traces that can pass between the pins of the ICs. This reduces congestion. Another tactic is to look for congestion and then move components out of the way to reduce congestion. Sometimes the above works. Sometimes I can finish off the job manually. Sometimes I just have to do the whole by hand. I have tried using more layers but generally it just does not work (zero success!). Something is wrong here, I think this may be the "low hanging fruit" for you to investigate. Even with these tactics my experience has been that the auto-router is only able to handle medium size boards, say about 20-30 chips. So from my larger (i.e. computer) projects I break them down into sub-boards. It makes it easier to debug the project anyway. For my computer projects if I could pre-define a "bus" for the auto-router it would help me, but I understand this is not a general solution. Perhaps one option is to provide an area like tool (like the copper area tool) to penalise tracks. It could be (for example) placed over ICs to force non-essential tracks away from an area of congestion. Just a thought. Regards Alan
sunking1 3 years ago
Please make this feature work directly within the software.  Sending files over email isn't convenient or viable. When will there be a fix?
lauriebrett 3 years ago
Hi all. I would like to add a little feedback re minor auto-router issues I am having. Firstly though, may I congratulate the software developers on a very superior product with EasyEDA - a remarkable achievement and also for the auto-route feature which I have normally found to be highly reliable. Also a big thank you to the online support personnel. The issue I am currently having with auto-route is when including any form of edge connector in my design (eg gold-fingered edge connector) I can no longer seem to connect to the fingers using auto-route. I need to do them manually. All other connections within the board itself seem to work fine. This is occuring even with the simplest form of schematics. In all cases I have been careful to match up a 'generic' connector with an appropriate foot print and update the footprint manager, observing that the connector concerned shows a 'tick' confirming that the association between chosen connector and footprint is correct. Out of curiosity, I decided to try re-routing some of my earlier designs to see if they also would no longer connect to their respective gold-fingered edge connectors. In each case I first performed an 'un-route all' action and then proceeded with a normal auto-route. With each schematic, auto-route performed perfectly both within the board outline (with zero Net or DRC errors) and also connecting perfectly to all edge connectors. Some of these designs have in excess of 1000 connections. The only difference between some of my older designs and my current work is the revision of EasyEDA that I am using. I am currently using Version My earlier schematics were designed using earlier s/w revisions. Anyone else encountered this rather unusual auto-route behaviour? Thanks, Laurie.
lauriebrett 3 years ago
Sorry, I just remembered one other thing... I _always_ maintain a minimum 5mm spacing between adjacent components, in every direction when laying out my PCB's. This may contribute to the enormous success and high reliability that I usually have with the auto-route feature. Thanks, L.
chetah 3 years ago
I am having problem converting my schematic to pcb
andyfierman 3 years ago
@chetah, To help us to help you, please read: [](<br> <br> then post your question as a new topic in the relevant Category (Schematic Capture) with sufficient supporting information so that others who know nothing about your project may usefully contribute some of their valuable time to try to offer you informed help and advice. Thanks.
lauriebrett 3 years ago
Hi all. One final update for you further to my comments above. Just letting you know that with the release of the latest version of EasyEDA (V6.4.20.2), all my auto-routing issues have now gone away, namely the difficulties I was having routing to PCB edge connectors. All my schematics are now auto-routing perfectly with zero Net/DRC errors. Great! Thanks, Laurie.
Terry Moore-Read 3 years ago
There has definitely been a great improvement in the auto router in the last week.
pommie 3 years ago
I have a board which won't complete using the local Autorouter but will with the cloud one. Do you want this? If so, how do I send it? It has 711 connections and fails 13 with the local router. The downloaded file is 2.4M. Mike.
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