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Filter on AVAILABILITY in parts LIBRARY.
678 2
sbhidden 3 years ago
I'm searching parts, ready to SMT-assembly order. Now I see 77 pages with "Out of Stock" parts. It's killing-time procedure. I need a FILTER on this column! also it is good to see sorting in search page. По-русски,подбираю детали для последующего SMT-монтажа на Ваших заводах. Прямо сейчас смотрю на 77 вкладок с позициями,почти все из них "Out of stock". Нужен фильтр по этой колонке (Availability). Желательно еще сделать сортировку по колонкам.
andyfierman 3 years ago
Please change the **Category** of this topic to **Feature Request.** :)
h.eskin 2 years ago
Not only this, but it would be great to be able to filter the LCSC part search with a "JLCPCB SMT capable" filter. Many times, I've built a schematic, built the PCB, go to have it made, and half the parts are in stock at LCSC, but not "JLCPCB SMT cablable". It takes two or three steps now to not only find the LCSC part, but then to confirm it's available at JLCPCB.
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