I am struggling to find a suitable IC which I can replace my 16x MOSFET & 2 shift register combo with to reduce weight, size and cost. I am looking for a part which can be supplied by EasyEDA. Currently I am building with the TLC6C598 http://www.ti.com/lit/ds/symlink/tlc6c598-q1.pdf but it is not listed on the EasyEDA parts list or on the LCSC site.
Would you be able to suggest a viable alternative? The application is running 16 channels to LED strips (some RGB, some White) which require 12V to power them. The IC needs to be run off 3.3/5v logic to interface with the ESP8266 microcontroller.
Many thanks for your time, I would really like to be able to get another prototype built but I will need to find a suitable replacement for the TLC6C598 before I can.