Hi Everyone I am pretty new to electronics and have the first Arduino project that I would like to move off the breadboard. finding this site has been a real find as I searched the internet on making your own PCB's, I have followed the tutorials and read through the forum. I have created my first schematic, all I want to do is create a pcb that removes all the wiring between my MUX74HC4067, provides 5 volt access for the switches and gathers all the Grounds together.
Have I made a silly mistake
Do I need to show the switches (I don't think so)
How do I show the 5 volt power that all the switches will wire into with power provided from the 5 volt pin off the arduino.
Sorry if my terminology is off all help is greatly appreciated.
Link to project [my first schematic](https://easyeda.com/editor#id=2f36c87cfd034db9bf6a399b41cd45a7)