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Footprint info on schematic error
829 0
FrankCA 4 years ago
I've started putting footprint information on schematics - its an option in EasyEDA schematic capture thats disabled by default. I'm doing this because of errors i've made where a part's footprint was not what i wanted and it sneaked through to manufactured boards, and almost impossible to fix then. I now add a check item during schematic capture QA to look at all footprints on the schematic to ensure the correct part was selected. But EasyEDA has a problem that has persisted through many versions and is still present in version V6.2.46 ![SNAG-10270006 .jpg](// EasyEDA does not keep the footprint information text box in a position that I move it to, it always returns the text box to the default position that EasyEDA uses when you first place the schematic symbol. This text gets put on top of other components or text that I have placed in that default position.  HOWEVER - only multi-part components are affected - single components eg a transistor or resistor are NOT affected. ![SNAG-10270008 .jpg](// ![SNAG-10270007 .jpg](// The trigger for this is if I make any change to the pcb layout - place a wire, move a component, save - any action it seems. An example project that demonstrates this behaviour is here [https://easyeda\.com/editor\#id=\|c344d65e2f724c4792b4cf2a26ad7f90\|d9478f22b2c8465b9e2e20e2151299d5](
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