You need to use EasyEDA editor to create some projects before publishing
Footprint Manager problem
2027 7
mijnmodelbaan 7 years ago
Hi, I tried to convert my schematics to a PCB but am getting the 'package not assigned' message (constantly). When I check in the Footprint Manager I don't see my Schematic Lib components anymore, only footprints. If I go to 'parts' section I do see the Schematic Libs components and the Footprints of the PCB libs, no problem there. It worked a few days ago w/o a problem so I think there is some problem with the software. Please check. Thanks! Willem.
dillon 7 years ago
You have 3 public projects, which project has problem?
mijnmodelbaan 7 years ago
@dillon Both projects starting with WISDEC16. If I go to the Footprint Manager and click on a Schematic Lib (1) I see PCB Libs (2) instead: ![error][1] If I click on a PCB Lib package (1, 2) and Update, it's not updating, still the same error. ![error][2] ![message][3] [1]: /editor/20170721/59719bb8ae4e4.png [2]: /editor/20170721/59719fd10dfa3.png [3]: /editor/20170721/5971a094a69f3.png I hope you can fix this as it has been working a few days ago. Thanks! Willem.
dillon 7 years ago
@mijnmodelbaan This is a bug for package with `Space`, we will fix it soon. If you are hurry, you can change the package name to `ARDUINO-PRO-MINI-WvB`
mijnmodelbaan 7 years ago
@dillon Ok, thanks for the info, but then the developers created this 'bug' themselves as it was working before (see my New PCB 113). So how reliable is EasyEDA as things are working one day and not working the next because someone created a bug. Is there some way to go back to a previous version ? Thanks for your time, anyway. Willem.
mijnmodelbaan 7 years ago
I hope you guys fix this very fast as there are thousands of packages with one or more space characters in their names and I don't think thousands of users are willing to change all the names of their packages. Thank you for a very quick fix.
dillon 7 years ago
@mijnmodelbaan We have fixed, but not release. The space problem just for footprint manger, not for convert to PCB. Your package name is very strange, Our IT told your package has a not English Space, maybe other languages
andyfierman 7 years ago
There are some guidelines for net and package naming here:
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