You need to use EasyEDA editor to create some projects before publishing
Forum searching
1431 5
djwicker 6 years ago
Is there a way to search the forum? The search bar at the top of the page appears to search projects only. Also, when I select a specific Forum category it looks like I get responses from others, but I can't tell because the category does not show when you pick a post. Anyone know a way around this?
UserSupport 6 years ago
Hi ![image.png](// we will improve this in the future
andyfierman 6 years ago
@djwicker, When you get the search results, the default is to show them for projects. If you click on any of the other headings then you'll see the results for that heading.. The bracketed number shows how many results in that heading. So if you want to see results from forums then click on Forum
MikeDB 6 years ago
I just type EasyEDA and then the subject of interest into Google.  Usually finds what I need.
Martin Spence 3 years ago
how can i get my component value printed on my pbc <br> <br>
deskpro256 3 years ago
@spencemartin21 Select your component or multiple components using "Find similar objects". Then under the component attributes, change the "Display name" to Yes. That should show the values. ![r4.png](// There should have been a post about this earlier and you shouldn't piggy-back on old posts. Hope this helps you.
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