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Funny Trace behaviour after PCB update
329 8 3 years ago
Hello! As of today I am experiencing something funny with the behaviour of existing traces. So please follow me. \* Sarting point:  existing project\, with existing schematics and existing PCB \* \>DESIGN \>UPDATE PCB \* After update\, if I select \(or add\) a trace\, the trace will remain on top of anything else and cover other existing components \( i\.e\. pad\, transistor\) \* After one year using EasyEDA this has never happened to me before\. I did not change any kind of settiing\, whotsoever\. \* Even if Select Trace\, and \>FORMAT \>Send to Back it will keep coming forward after I select it\. What is going on ?  Thanks  :)
MrToM 3 years ago
Like this...? _ ![FORUM_Q_01.png](// _ Regards.
Reply 3 years ago
Yes exactly !!  To be precise it does this throught the whole length of the trace. (In your picture it would be also covering the GND hole )
MrToM 3 years ago, Hmmm....I couldn't reproduce the issue following your workflow, instead I had to change that track to a pad via right clicking and selecting 'Convert to Pad'. When converted it replicates the 'on top' issue you are experiencing, and at both ends, in my image above I deliberately used Format > Send to Back. (On the two pin header, left) _ Following this, if I close the PCB tab, the project, or EasyEDA itself and re-open then the 'track' reverts to being under those pads. Does closing everything and re-opening change anything? _ Also, if I select that 'track' and a connected component, copy them, and paste them elsewhere then again the 'track' reverts to being behind the component. Does copy and pasting change anything? _ I don't really know what could have happened during a PCB update, I can't see a track being changed for a pad and the fact that formatting doesn't do anything for you indicates that the track is still a track and hasn't been changed as in my example, which was the only way I could find to demonstrate it. _ Could you possibly make available a public project in which this is happening? A 'hands on' example would be useful to determine if its an issue with something other than EasyEDA itself. _ Regards.
Reply 3 years ago
Hello MrToM, I've done some testing. \* Once the PCB is "updated" and tracks start the strange behaviour this "feature" will remain even after I save and reopen the file\. The strange behaviour remains "embedded" in the file\. \* I copied the track and a component\. When I paste them\, they will display correctly \(hidden track\)\, but as soon as select the track it pops back in front\. \* Yes\, the track remains a track\, in fact when I select it\, "track properties" in the menu remains unchanged Please note that this "change in behaviour" appears only after an update (I have experimented by updating a clone). The original PCB file is still working correctly. This means that this wrong behaviour is "baked" into the updated file. **After additional testing, I have pinpointed the problem !** **After said update, and the trace problem appearing, there were also the new components waiting to be connected.** **I tried erasing all the new components resulting from the update, and the "trace problem" disppeared.** **I pinpointed the problem to ONE component:   LTC6655CHMS8-4.096#TRPBF  (which is in the public library)** **By erasing this (to be connected) component from the updated PCB, all traces work normally again and everything works prefectly.** <br> <br>
MrToM 3 years ago, I see what you mean... _ ![FORUM_Q_02.png](// _ Could be just the way the footprint is created, I played around with it, (above), but it didn't change anything. Main thing is you're sorted. _ Regards.
Reply 3 years ago
Thanks alot for helping me out !  It always helps, having a starting point and someone to exchange ideas with is great help. Thanks. Bart
Reply 3 years ago
PS a little note: funny thing is that ALL traces on pcb were behaving weird, even when the "faulty" component wasn't yet connected
MrToM 3 years ago, No worries....sorry I wasn't more help. _ I've no idea what it could be then if it affected all the tracks, at least if it shows it's ugly head again we now know it's a component related issue. One to store at the back of the mind. _ Regards.
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