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Gerber "drill" layer small and out of place
507 2
olicomber 3 years ago
Hi, This is an odd problem I've not had before on previous projects, and I'm not sure how to fix it. When I export my PCB as a Gerber and load into gerbv, the DRL layer is squashed in to the bottom-left corner.  I'll try and upload a screenshot in a sec. Any idea where I might be going wrong? This is the first time I've attempted a 2-layer design - could this have anything to do with it? My project is here: [](<br> <br> Thanks v much in advance for your help. Thanks, -Oli ![Gerb-Issue-DRL.png](//
olicomber 3 years ago
I think I've just managed to fix this completely by accident! I was trying various things in gerbv, looking for any settings which might have an effect here. On the DRL layer, I did this:  * Right click layer and "Edit File Format"  * Change "digits" from 3 to 4 My DRL layer now lines up with the other layers exactly. On other layers, when I "Edit File Format", it gives me an error "Format editing is currently only supported for Excellon drill file formats", so it is only the DRL layer you can change this setting on.  And I'm not really sure what the setting means. Hope this helps someone else.
andyfierman 3 years ago
Please see this topic: [](
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