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Ghost nets - wrong pin net assignment. How do I fix it?
1109 10
bob123 4 years ago
I have rotated the part and rearranged pin labels multiple times and now pins on PCB have multiple nets assigned.  This does not get fixed when updating pcb from schematic.  There's only one track underneath a pin with correct net name.  Example pic shows a pin having GND, STEP6 and SG6 where it's supposed to be only STEP6. How can this be fixed so the pin only belongs to STEP6? ![Ghost Nets.gif](// ![Ghost Nets3.jpg](// EDIT: Since I replied to myself multiple times, here's summary that maybe of help to others: I had experimented with routing angle 'arc' which created small traces of the shape of pads that did not get deleted when track was deleted (probably because track was segmented into smaller pieces or because part of it was locked).  Notably arc segments are not classified as tracks so when viewing tracks only they do not appear.   They only show when arc are selected.
andyfierman 4 years ago
Your pictures do not give enough information. Your project is private so only you can see what you are describing. That makes it hard for anyone else to help. Please either post a link to a public project that demonstrates this behaviour or share the original project with support.
bob123 4 years ago
Hi I made the project public.
bob123 4 years ago
Link to the project: [](
andyfierman 4 years ago
Unlock H6. Delete it and then sort out the mess of overlapping traces underneath it. ![image.png](// I would suggest that you: 1. scrap (delete) your existing PCB design as it has so many errors, an incomplete board outline and several spurious structures; 2. redraw and complete your schematic in a more tidy and readable form; 3. only when your schematic is complete and you have gone through all the checks in (4) in (2) in: []( should you then do **Convert to PCB...** To help you get the best out of EasyEDA please read the post in the link above.
bob123 4 years ago
This pcb is a work in progress and a lot depends on components availability, physical dimensions, size and layer constraints, in other words - it's a rough draft.  Thank you for looking into it.  I guess the mess is caused by the trace following the pin during rotation and breaking down into segments - some small enough to be covered by the pin's pad that do not get deleted when trace is selected and removed. This will be easy to fix now that I know where to look.
bob123 4 years ago
Ok, so I turn off everything but the traces and I do not see the extra traces: ![image.png](//
bob123 4 years ago
I found them: the extra traces are classified as arcs, I'm not sure what's the difference.... ![image.png](//
bob123 4 years ago
This is probably a bug: no matter what I try I'm unable to delete this arc: ![image.png](//
bob123 4 years ago
Resolved: this little arc was locked.  I had to unlock it to remove.
andyfierman 4 years ago
Glad you're sorted. :)
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