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Grid Snap does not work in board layout
8139 8
martin 10 years ago
**BUG** Grid Snap does not work in board layout Steps to reproduce bug: 1. Using any schematic, 2. Go to board layout 3. Make sure you have a grid set up and snap is set to "Yes" 4. Move a part in the editor -> Verify that the part does not snap to the grid and moves freely. Browser: Chrome 34.x
example 10 years ago
Hi Martin, Have you checked the **Snap Size** setting? At small snap size with low screen zoom settings, the snapping action is so fine that it appears to be absent. Try setting Snap Size to a larger value to see if snapping becomes apparent. Another reason snapping may seem to not work is if you have pressed the G key at some point and not realised it. The G hotkey turns grid snap on and off. [] []:
dillon 10 years ago
The defult **snap size** in PCB is very small, try to make it bigger. you will find it works. ![](//)
martin 10 years ago
Ah-- my bad. I think it may be a good idea to set the snap size to be the same as the grid size by default, and maybe always link them together. Thanks!
dillon 10 years ago
Hi Martin, Some guys suggest us they like different a few months ago. :) Dillon.
martin 10 years ago
It would be nice to understand why they made the request in the first place; could it be that, sometimes, they wish to have finer control than the standard grid, but not always? I find myself changing the grid snap a lot in this scenario, especially when trying to lay down traces. ie, I have a 100mil grid when moving parts, which is way too big for tracks/pads. I wonder if instead of having a grid with different snap, there shouldn't be two snap/grid sizes, one for moving parts, and one when laying tracks. It could automatically switch based on the mode you're in. Bottom line: it would be good to understand the use case for the original request.
dillon 10 years ago
Hi, >I find myself changing the grid snap a lot in this scenario Me too, so we have a hot key __ALT+__ and __ALT-_ to change the snap grid, but the users will ignore these, they don't like to read the tutorial in the very begin. >Bottom line: it would be good to understand the use case for the original request. We really don't know, before the snap size is 50mil, not good . change to 2mil , now to 10mil.
martin 10 years ago
Hi Dillon, I guess my point is that by default, the grid should at least match the size, whatever it is. Without understanding why the request was initially made, I can only venture a guess that they are faced with the same case I am, which is that the default grid is fine for placing most things, but there are occasions where more accuracy is required. In any event, I think there is room for improvement there.
daxliniere 2 years ago
Yes, the grid size should match the snap size by default. It's fine if people want to change it, but it's darn confusing the first time you try to make a PCB layout.
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