Never done a ground plane before so I would like to get feedback as to whether my approach is correct.
Please refer to this very simple schematic and PCB layout: [https://oshwlab.com/jalsop/ground-plane-test](https://oshwlab.com/jalsop/ground-plane-test)<br>
I did the following:
1. Positioned the through hole components
2. Routed the non-GND tracks manually, including a via and a track on the bottom layer.
3. Added a copper area assigned to GND and placed it on the bottom layer
This seems to have successfully made all the GND connections.
Could someone take a quick look at the PCB 3D view and advise if everything is ok.
I am not totally clear on how the +5V pin on the power jack avoids being shorted
to the ground plane. I'm guessing there is a small ring of copper around the pin, and
then a blank area separating it from the ground plane? Its hard to tell so I would
appreciate learning from others who have already done this.
Thanks in advance for any feedback!