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Ground net incomplete
1000 2
John Houghton 4 years ago
Hi all, I've designed and laid out my first PCB. I think (keyword think) I'm almost done, but there are still issues with the ground net. I can't tell what they are. I tried to create a ground plane, but I'm not sure I did it successfully. Is there a way to tell where the net error is? The "Angle Grouped" version is the one I'm working on. Here is the link to my project: [](
andyfierman 4 years ago
Seems to be unhappy with your Copper Areas. Don't know why. Check that the PCB canvas **Copper Zone** attribute is set to **Visible**. Delete both existig copper areas and then redraw one (net name as the default of GND) on the top layer so that it is a bit bigger in area than the board extents. It should redraw and connect to all the top layer GND pads. Copy and paste it onto the top layer and place it so it does not exactly overlap the original area (just so you can select it more easily). Select it and then change it to the bottom layer. It should redraw and connect to all the bottom layer GND pads. Rerun and refresh the Design Manager and you should find that the GND net is no longer shown as incomplete.
John Houghton 4 years ago
Perfect, this fixed it. Thanks!
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