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Ground plane doesn't eliminate ground net connectors
385 1
hayderismael 1 year ago
Hello. Please advise why when I make a plane for GND net and apply it, it does not remove the original connectors; it even makes routing more complicated with autoroute. I thought it might be necessary, I removed the connectors manually, and they seemed connected to the plane. Please guide me to eliminate all ground routes when I have a GND plane. Thanks. ![Screenshot 2023-05-17 at 3.23.11 pm.jpg](// ![Screenshot 2023-05-17 at 3.23.32 pm.jpg](//![Screenshot 2023-05-17 at 3.23.39 pm.jpg](//
andyfierman 1 year ago
"Please advise why when I make a plane for GND net and apply it, it does not remove the original connectors..." In EasyEDA Std applying a Copper Area assigned to a net does not replace any existing routed connections that are on the same net. That is just how it works. If you wish to connect things together using a Copper Area then you should first manually route any critical nets on the board. Then place the Copper Area for the net that you wish to connect by the plane that it forms. Then check for any isolated copper areas that are connected to pads on the net but not to each other and where necessary move footprints to make room for the copper area to flow to all the pads on the net or route tracks by hand to connect them. You can find such connections by checking for Ratlines in the Design Manager. Then, if you insist on using the autorouter, tell it to ignore all the nets that you have already routed and connected before you run it. I suggest that you read:  "**[Learn good PCB layout practice before just running the Autorouter!]("** in 2.2 in 2 in: [](<br> <br>
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