Hi everyone,
I have an issue. I meant to place a via for my GND net for one part of my circuit in order to ground it. However, I already ordered my pcb's before I realized my mistake. Below are the pictures for my design. The first one shows my GND net, however the GND net on the right is not really a "ground" net, correct? Since there is no via it is not being grounded? I put question marks because I am unsure.
In the second photo I placed a via on the right side GND net, however this doesn't help my cause since I already have the boards.
**My main question is:** Is there a proper way for me to ground my right side net on the already ordered pcb? If so, how? Could I jump a wire to a piece of rubber or something? Or is my design (like in the first picture) already grounded (on the right side of my circuit).
Please let me know.
![enter image description here][1]
![enter image description here][2]
[1]: /editor/20161027/58121edc0dc5f.PNG
[2]: /editor/20161027/58121ecd6fe04.PNG