You need to use EasyEDA editor to create some projects before publishing
Guide Lines for Rulers
406 5
IRRElectronica 11 months ago
Hi, When dragging from a ruler a line appears that can serve as a guide to install components on the PCB or for aligment. Dragging from the upper ruler for a new horizontal line. Dragging from the right ruler for a new vertical line. Attached a screen shot taken from GIMP how a guide line can be added from a ruler to help with the design and aligment. These lines can be deleted, moved (adjusting  to grid), and can snap "things" to it. ![Sin nombre.png](// Thanks.
haidy_easyeda 11 months ago
You can use the "cross cursor" in the measurement tool, hopefully it will help you ~ ![](file:///C:\Users\win10\AppData\Local\Temp\ksohtml23060\wps1.jpg)![](file:///C:\Users\win10\AppData\Local\Temp\ksohtml23060\wps1.jpg)
haidy_easyeda 11 months ago
UserSupport 11 months ago
this feature we support at Panel module now, we will consider if to support it at PCB module in the future
andyfierman 11 months ago
@usersupport, For clarity, when you say "module" you mean "Editor". In other words, you do not mean "Module" as in "Schematic Module" or "PCB Module": []( [](
IRRElectronica 10 months ago
An example of the use they could have: 3 guide lines added, the green ones, (there could obviously be more as needed) with a "magnetic" or "snap" option to be able to align parts, for example by their center: ![Sin nombre.png](// .
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