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Hatched Copper Fill
878 5
Docara 3 years ago
Hi I am trying to design a Capacitive Touch PCB, I need to create a hatched pattern copper pour/copper fill - can this be done? If not could this feature be included in future versions Alternatively, how can I create a customer graphic on a copper layer that is not connected to a Net Thanks Doc
andyfierman 3 years ago
Creating a Copper Area with a hatched pattern is explained in **Copper Area** the Tutorial. You cannot create a Copper Area (Pour) that is not assigned to a net. If you add a single pin connector or a test point and connect a named pad to it in the schematic then this will create a create named net in the PCB that you can assign the Copper Area to. You can create a Solid Region but this cannot be hatched. If you are creating a capacitive touch pad, why does it need to be hatched? Please read: []( Please also see: []( [](
JLCPCBsupport 3 years ago
Hello ; Please could you explain more about "Alternatively, how can I create a customer graphic on a copper layer that is not connected to a Net" Maybe I understand this wrong way but if you are requesting to just drop a graphic and use it (without being connected to a net) you need just to drop your graphic and set it as top or bottom solder mask layer but in these cases you can't turn them to be made as hatched copper pour. Please to explain more your request and also as Andy asked, why do you need the copper pour to be made as "copper cherry pie lattice" as I know hatched copper pour are mainly used to control the heat by balancing the dilatation of both PCB sides to avoid the distort of certain substrate and I don't see any use of hatched copper pour for "Capacitive Touch PCB" !!
andyfierman 3 years ago
@Docara, To import an image into any layer in the PCB, please see the Tutorial and read this topic and the linked topic in it.
sthgethsi 1 year ago
@andyfierman  hatch is required for the liquid tolerant capacitive touch pad.
andyfierman 1 year ago
@sthgethsi, That says what it is used for but it does not explain why hatching helps or what purpose it serves compared to a solid copper area.
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