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Help With Multiple ST Microelectronics VL6180X
574 5
Chris Nelson 1 year ago
Hi there, I'm looking for some help in designing a PCB that houses multiple inline ST Microelectronics VL6180X sensors. I've tried several iterations in an attempt to reduce the footprint to the smallest size possible: 1. The first version was based off of the Adafruit VL6180X breakout board. This iteration was broken into two boards. The top board only houses the sensors on top with a set of male header pins on the bottom. The bottom board houses all of the components from the Adafruit breakout board in which the board is double-sided. When attached to an Arduino, the software always fails to initialize the last sensor in the string, regarless of how many sensors I am attempting to initialize (the software works for an array of Adafruit breakout boards). 2. The second version was based off of this project that I found on the Hackaday website ([]( in which the author used the VL53L0X sensor (similar to the VL6180X). This is the schematic that was used in the author's project vs. the schmatic that I used for my own project.![](![image.png](// I've found an application note from ST Microelectronics ([]( that offers this schematic detailing how to add more than one sensor to the same board: ![image.png](// Note: The GPIO pins referenced in figure 3 are the same as the XSHUT pins in my schematic. Instead of the GPIO expander, the sensors are connected directly to an arduino Mega 2560. Could anyone tell me how far off I am in my design/point me in the right direction? Any help would be much appreciated - thank you!
andyfierman 1 year ago
Before trying to use the device, you need to read and understand the extensive documentation for it: [](<br> <br> Then you can move on to the apps note you found on using multiple devices: []( Your project is private so only you can see it. Posting screenshots of bits of disparate schematics is somewhat suboptimally helpful. Some notes about exactly what you are trying to achieve would be nice: [](
Chris Nelson 1 year ago
Hi Andy, > Before trying to use the device, you need to read and understand the extensive documentation for it Yes, I've read and understand the datasheet (however, circuit design was admittedly never my strongest subject). > Your project is private so only you can see it. Would you like me to share it with you specifically, or are you suggesting I just share it generally? Sorry, I don't mean for that to come across as rude. > Some notes about exactly what you are trying to achieve would be nice The sensor is capable of computing the depth of an object Xmm away. By creating a string of these sensors, I'm hoping to be able to create the profile of an object. Thank you again.
andyfierman 1 year ago
Hi Chris, "Would you like me to share it with you specifically, or are you suggesting I just share it generally?" I'm probably not the best person to offer help on a processor based project other than for general good practice design advice. If you are comfortable with sharing it as a public project that allows anyone to comment. If anyone posts to help you then they may be happy you to share it privately. "Sorry, I don't mean for that to come across as rude." Not at all. It's nice that you thought to ask!
Markus_ee 1 year ago
Hello! I sent a PM to you Chris. I've read this post and it seems I do have alot of experience in these types of projects. Andy can confirm. Send me a PM or post in this forum and I can continue helping from there. Regards, Markus Virtanen HW / Electronics Designer
Markus_ee 1 year ago
Just to remind you that you have done a good research and gone to one of the right directions of using GPIO expanders. However, the real challenge lies in the "glue logic" to put all this together as a single functioning board. -Markus
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