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Help creating pad's without soldermask on Pad's via
936 9
Henrik Larsen 3 years ago
HI, I can't seem to get around this. I'm trying to create a footprint for a PCB Edge connector kind of thing on a 4 layer PCB. The connector should allow for either a push on PCB edge connector, or to solder wires directly to the PCB. So, I create a number of square pads, and want each connector to have connection to innder layers. But I also want to prevent the vias from attracting solder, so solder does not flow into the holes, if the edge connector is soldered by hand or machine. I found out how to create PADs with offset hole, but still the entire pad is having a soldermask. So, I cant find a solution for this. I have read elsewhere on this forum, many suggestions, but no real answer to this. Many suggestions in the forum, suggest the oppsite, to add a soldermask manually. This is not the solution, as I vant to remove the soldermask, but only on the Via's. It is important that any suggestions are multilayer compatible.
Henrik Larsen 3 years ago
BTW, I tried to create a solidregion, but that does allow to set multilayer, but with the odd behaviour of converting it to a cutout ??
Markus_ee 3 years ago
Hi! Picture of the footprint mod attempt would be nice, it tells more than a thousand words :-) Regards, Markus Virtanen HW / Electronics Designer
andyfierman 3 years ago
Take for example a single "finger" of the  edge connector pad, numbered "N". Make the card edge section out of two single layer pads,  top and bottom layer. Number them both N. Make them a little longer than required, say by 10%. Place a multi-layer pad of the same width and long enough to accommodate the hole plus overlapping, lengthways, the first single layer pads by that 10% margin. The hole should not overlap the single layer pads. Number this pad N. On the multi-layer pads, set the solder mask expansion to -0.55 times the width of the multi-layer pad. Don't forget the minus sign. Repeat for the required number of pads. Done.
Henrik Larsen 3 years ago
Ok Andy, I get it. Combine a simple outer layer track element with a multilayer pad, and elimitate the soldermask on the pad. Thanks.
andyfierman 3 years ago
"elimitate the soldermask on the **multi-layer** pad." You've got it. :)
Henrik Larsen 3 years ago
Got it to work. Great. Now, I hope the Gerber reflects my design in a way the PCB manufacturer can understand.
andyfierman 3 years ago
There have been a number of posts and issues identified recently about checking Gerbers generated using mm as the canvas units. To avoid any issues: Ensure you do your final DRC checks using the dimensions units that you created the board in to reduce the risk of rounding errors generating false DRC errors. Then switch to inches or mils units before you export the Gerbers. Then check the Gerbers using gerbv.
Henrik Larsen 3 years ago
OK, thanks.
Henrik Larsen 3 years ago
OK, I ended up doing this: For each finger (wire solder pad) i created two single layer pads (as ones used for SMD footprints), one placed on each outer layer. Then a third multiplayer pad (as ones used for through hole mounting) placed further in on the PCB. All 3 pads with the same pad number. The two single layers pads are connected to the multiplayer pad by laying these out with some overlap. Finally I had to remove the paste mask on both single layer pads, and the solder mask on the multilayer pad, all by using a negative expansion value larger than the pad size. This looks like so on the top side, and the bottom side is equal to. Each solder pad now has connection to a different layer on the 4 layer PCB. The vias are closed off to not swallow solder, and the pads are free to receive a edge connector or wires. The paste mask cover the finger pads. ![image.png](//
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