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Help with Part Symbol and Pins
410 5
Tony Contrada 6 years ago
I have a simple circuit with an ADXL335 Accelerometer with an SMD package. I got the chip from the Library and placed it in my Schematic along with other components. When I tried to generate the PCB, I got the following error message. I don't know what to do next... ![image.png](//
andyfierman 6 years ago
You have to place both parts of the device into the schematic: ![image.png](// ![image.png](// What happened when you clicked the "Check the packages" button (as in the image in your post)?
Tony Contrada 6 years ago
So when I clicked the "Check Packages" button, it brought up another dialog for pin assignments. They looked ok, but I could not edit them. However, I searched for the same part again and found a different version. I replaced the old one with this new one and it worked fine. I guess, I am having issues with parts that don't seem to work that are in the library. Maybe there needs to be some vetting of parts in the library, or else I don't know how to use the software. It seems frustrating at times when simple things don't seem to work as expected. Thanks...
andyfierman 6 years ago
Frpm my screenshots above, the alternative part you have chosen is almost certainly a user contributed part. Please check both the schematic symbol and the PCB package very carefully!
Tony Contrada 6 years ago
Sure, I realize that now....Thanks....
UserSupport 6 years ago
Hi That  is because of the LFCSP-16_4X4X05P doesn't have the Pad17, it fixed now, please try again, it should be working. Thanks
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