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Help with setting up PCB to have a castellated part put on it
636 2
RobLatour 1 year ago
Would like to please ask for a second set of eyes to see if I've done this is a workable way ... I just spent a bunch of time trying to define a schematic/footprint to allow me solder a castellated board onto a pcb. Here is the castellated board that I want to solder onto my PCB: [](<br> <br> In trying to get this to work, there was for me a lot of trial and error - and I'm not even sure I could recreate it now if I had to - but I think it may have ended up right. I wasn't able to figure out how to share the part (schematic and footprint) I built, but I could create a project using it and share that project, which I have done here: [](<br> <br> I would appreciate it if someone could look at the above  project and tell me if it will work. In short, the idea would be to solder the castellated board onto the exposed copper slots on my PCB and then have the slots connected using the Vias at the end of the slots to other components on the board. The one thing I am most unsure of, will the via at the end of the slot be continuously connected to the slot, so that if I solder the castellated board on the slots there will be a connection all the way through to the via at the end of the slots.
THX1138 1 year ago
I'm inexperienced but it looks okay to me re: connecting the pads and vias. Are the ones on the right meant to be shorted-together? It looks like there's a trace connecting maybe all of the vias together on the right. Maybe zoom in and take and post screenshots so we can see more clearly.
RobLatour 1 year ago
Thank you. The pcb trace is there on purpose; it matches the one in schematic, I just used it as a proof of concept that I could join the various pads together. While it does appear to work, the more I think of this as the solution the less I like it - ultimately there are vias in the board with really should not be there.  I just don't otherwise know how to put connection points on each of the pads without them.
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