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Help with complex project
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emjic16 7 years ago
Hi First time user, trying to make rather complex board for audio use, it is an old preamp from wireless world in 1976, pretty complex, maybe too much to take as it has multiple parts, but had this years ago, my father made it and it sounded great. Always wanted to make and found plans. Anyway, have started work, will make public and comments please leave, I am not an engineer but have a occasional electronic hobbyist before. First thing, I need to make margins of board larger, also need to add solder holes, do I do that schematic or wait until converting to PCB? Any help/suggestions/comments/criticisms/thoughts/ideas welcome. If interested can send you schematic from original article.
dillon 7 years ago
You are welcome to public your original article at here, maybe some one can help you
andyfierman 7 years ago
First, please see: And: If you are interested, you could also simulate the design although that might be a bit much for a first project. I would recommend that before you try to tackle a big schematic, you learn the basics of EasyEDA on a simple little project like a 555 timer, a 2 transistor astable multivibrator or an opamp circuit. Go through all the stages of the design including checking the Gerbers (but you ​don't need to order the PCB!). That will save you more time on the big circuit then you'll spend learning on the little one. Feel free to upload or post a link to the original Schematic: it's about my vintage...
andyfierman 7 years ago
Just had a quick look at your schematic. You don't need to put `X` no connects where wires cross. If they cross then they will not join. If three or more wires join then there will be a red join dot will appear. It's good practice to only join 3 wires at one point. If you join more then stagger the joins as shown in:
emjic16 7 years ago
Andy, Thanks for tips, will start making changes. Is there a way I can post a PDF file for the original article it is large file. In addition project has 2 smaller boards which I mostly completed but not yet made public because I did not have that figured out first, will post this weekend as well. Thanks for the tip about 4 connections, will make those changes. Yes it is vintage and probably way over engineered, but boy it sound it sounded great.
andyfierman 7 years ago
I have raised a Feature Request asking for PDF to be added to the list of allowed formats for upload as an attachment to a project. In the meanwhile, you can simply drag and drop your pdf onto: Then copy the url and paste it back here. :)
emjic16 7 years ago
Thanks, I posted original article on Imgur, URL Hadn't had much time to work on due to work, but planning to back at it next few days. Thanks again for your input.
andyfierman 7 years ago
Thanks for posting that. I just remembered that there are a couple of online archives of Wireless World and here's a clearer copy of the November 1976 issue with the pre-amp article, starting at page 41: (There's another, smaller archive here: but it currently does not have a copy of the November 1976 issue.)
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