You need to use EasyEDA editor to create some projects before publishing
Hi Size of a Circle or Object
606 3
ATS3788 5 years ago
Hi I like this EasyEDA it's quit easy to use. But I have a Problem Can I tell a Object a spesific Length or height with numbers I can change the size with the mouse but how can I alter the size with a Number. On the right side is your mouse Coordinates, would be nice the change there the feathers of an Drawing Object.
ATS3788 5 years ago
Hello I can Parts from Eagle that is so great but still is there a way to ..........
andyfierman 5 years ago
You can edit the points of some objects such as solid regoins and copper areas. Select the object then click "Edit Points" in the right hand panel. For lines, you can edit the XY coordinates of each end. You can edit the centre and radius of arcs (but there's a known bug in the radius setting that only let's you increase it).
andyfierman 5 years ago
Don't understand your comment about Eagle parts import.
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