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dromeister 7 years ago

It would be superb if there was an option to hide the component labels and text associated with a schematic. This website is one of the easiest fastest ways to create a schematic to show a concept to someone, and often all of the component information is unnecessary for this purpose. In fact in school (which I am) having cleaner diagrams is usually desirable.

If for purposes of forcing people to use labels when they should, which is almost always, the goal would be to have an option to remove the specific component and leave only the identifying number. Eg have it by default display "R4" instead of "r4 100K". Or "D4" instead of "D4 1N4148". The extra text in medium to large schematics becomes more of a hindrance than an asset very quickly for some diagrams.

I know this isnt the main purpose of the site, but such a simple function could add that entire layer of functionality.

Thanks for making a fantastic tool regardless.

andyfierman 7 years ago

Hi Dromeister,

Welcome to EasyEDA.

This feature already exists.

enter image description here



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