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Highlight airwires of component when moving it (on PCB)
1086 8
as_axelschmidt 9 years ago
**Feature Request** How would you like the feature to work? A Click on component should not only highlight the component but also associated airwires Why is this feature important to you? Much easier to identify related components which have to be moved also. Easier to group devices.
andyfierman 9 years ago
Normally, EasyEDA does show ratlines for unconnected pins as you move a package. The exception is if the pad has no discrete copper traces to it but is connected to a copper area with the same netname. Are you seeing this on pads that are connected to a copper area? :)
as_axelschmidt 9 years ago
No copper right now! It does show ratlines of all the components with the same blue color! So there is a huge blue area around the components. Thats part of the problem ;) No way to identify the components which are connected. I am not talking about 5 components, thats no problem, but if you have 40 or more and you want to group e.g. resistors to IC it's difficult to hit the right resistor. It's try and error... If you select and move a component it changes color to white. My request is to change also the color of the ratlines of that component to white. So you can identify and move also the related components.
andyfierman 9 years ago
Ah, I understand now.
dillon 9 years ago
This is interested feature, we are sure will think about this. it is simply descript, but not easy to code, because of ratline no such attribute. I have tried to move packages on a big PCB, if we have such feature, it will be more better. Thanks.
dillon 9 years ago
Hi, Please refresh your editor, the new version is V3.2.1. we high light all net when move the package, it is good for you to find the right net . Thanks.
as_axelschmidt 9 years ago
Dillon, you are the greatest!! That's fast!! Big advantage of EasyEDA is that new versions can be made available to the users quite easy, really amazing! Perhaps ..... if you select a pad, highlight its net ;)
dillon 9 years ago
When you select a track and press H key, you can hight the all tracks on the same net. EasyEDA can show the net on the track and pads when you zoom it to +800% Pads and tracks show gray net name. ![enter image description here][1] [1]: /editor/20160202/56b0754f8730f.png
as_axelschmidt 9 years ago
That's good for traces, I am talking about airlines. I am still in the process of arranging parts to get optimal grouping of components and a good power/GND distribution. The request would be to highlight all the airlines of the net of the selected pad. You can see quite easily, ah, that's GND..
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