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History (Ctrl-Z and Ctrl-Y) problems in Schematic AND PCB Layout
933 7
Yusef 5 years ago
When reviewing the last changes I have done to the SCH or the PCB\, using Ctrl\-Z and Ctrl\-Y\, sometimes EasyEda software makes various errors\, in occasions arriving to the non asterisk \(\*\) state of the file name with the wrong changes\, it is supposed that if there is no asterisk \(\*\) the file is in its saved state\, but you can close the file and open again and it will show different\. It happens normally when there is a big quantity of changes made to the SCH or the PCB\. And why when I modify only one thing in the right panel, in the history of states that you can review with Ctrl-Z and Ctrl-Y, sometimes it shows 1 state and sometimes 2 states, when there is only one action?
UserSupport 5 years ago
Can you provide a detail step to repeat your problem? any GIF will be better.
Yusef 5 years ago
Thank you but is difficult to show, as I said, some errors ocurr when you use the history to review the last changes made to PCB or SCH. The problem is not new, is a problem of the EasyEda software, I'm a programmer. Also I'm user of Photoshop, in Photoshop a state of the history is always the same, every change you made is registered, you can go back and forth and if you count the number of states never will be an error, in EasyEda I'm not asking a list of history states like in Photoshop because I know it is not easy to program, but at least that Ctrl-Z and Ctrl-Y don't introduce ERRORS or be confusing. An error in EasyEda history can ocurr always if you have a big number of states, in a recently open file normally no problem occurs. In SCH editor, for example, if you go back and forth a junction can be left below a wire so you will see that the junction now don't cover one of the wires but before yo go back and forth the same junction was ok. But worse than that, the asterisk that shows the saved state of a file, can be phased out if you go back and forth in the history, only a few steps, specially if you have made many changes to the file since you opened it, and can show no asterisk (saved state) in a different state (you can see that if you close the file and open it again there are differences or one difference). Sometimes you save the file in a state that you think all is ok, you don't modify anything afterwards, only you want to revielw the last changes you made, go back and forth in the history only a few steps, big mistake! The history of EasyEda is poorly implemented, is NOT RELIABLE, and the saved state is lost, all states show an asterisk, you must then rely on your mind only, you know that all was ok, then close the file ignoring the warning because you know that you cannot save again since the history is phased out and you don't know what state you would be saving, so you close the file and open it again to recover the state that you have previously saved.I'm a long time user of EasyEda and I'm pretty accustomed to those serious problems of the EasyEda's history, so almost I don't use the history, because I know that it is NOT RELIABLE, but IT WOULD BE VERY NICE IF ALL THIS COULD BE FIXED AND THE EASYEDA'S HISTORY WERE RELIABLE.Another example of the poor implementation of the history, is that the changes made in the right panel, sometimes introduce ONE state in the history, but almost always introduces TWO states for only one change. Excuse me for my English, I'm spanish speaking, and thanks for reading.
UserSupport 5 years ago
Hi Thanks for the reply That seems some actions haven't log in the operation histories, if you have the clearly operation steps please let us know. for the junction issue, at present, the junction is generating automatically when the wire connect to wire.
Yusef 5 years ago
Hi,I was working in schematic, draw some wires, and have to leave the computer for a couple of minutes, did not save, when I returned, everything was ok but I wanted to remember my last changes, so I go back in history one or two steps (don’t remember) with Ctrl-Z, see what I have done, and when returned to the last state with Ctrl-Y, there is the junction problem, I saved and close the schematic, open it again and the error is still there, the only way I know to fix the junction is replacing the wire. I send a photo of the problem here. All junctions were perfect before Ctrl-Z and Ctrl-Y. The junction with the problem is one of the latest wires I drawed, I don’t remember if it was the last. The schematic is big, maybe has too much information, is A2 canvas and is almost full. This problem has ocurred many times already, is bad idea to review the last changes.For example, some of the changes I made were modifying the prefix of components in right panel, and with Ctrl-Z did not changed back to the previous states, but I knew that bug already and this is no problem if you are only reviewing and you return forward with Ctrl-Y. Same with the 1 or 2 state random number of states that introduce almost any modification in the right panel.![Error de junction.jpg](//
Yusef 5 years ago
I remembered that in fact that was the last wire (the short one) that I drawed before the problem. But now I discovered that maybe I’m worriyng for nothing because the net of the junction is correctly connected.
UserSupport 5 years ago
Hi Your picture shows the junction under the wire, that is a bug, but not impact the net connection, you can change it by using "bring to front" ![image.png](// when change the prefix at the right-hand panel can not redo, it confirmed is a bug. we will fix it thanks
Yusef 5 years ago
Thank you, I did not knew about “bring to front”.
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