Complex board outlines consist of a succession of segments and arcs. To make the CNC cutting machines happy these segments/arcs should join perfectly. That is, the outline elements’ starting and ending nodes should be perfectly identical to the preceding/succeding outline elements’ ending/starting nodes. For segments this is not a problem at all as segments are anyway defined by their endpoints. As opposite to arcs where the arc is always defined by its starting and ending **angles** instead of the precise coordinates of the endpoints. This makes a perfect joining of an arc to a segment impossible in all but just a few cases, see _irrational numbers_. I consider this issue a serious design flaw in the otherwise excellent EasyEDA.
Note that the above is not true for e.g. solid regions where joining segments/arcs are strictly defined by there endpoints! I wished there was a way for at least converting a solid region to board outline (which I actually need in my project) but unfortunately it’s not the case. So, does anybody have a workaround suggeston for this problem? Importing DXF from Corel, AI etc. is a serious tradeoff (curves and arcs are generally badly preserved in exported DXFs) so I’d avoid this ‘solution’ if possible.