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How can I replace a component in a PCB? (re: PCB only and no schematic?)
313 8
John Klimek 1 year ago
I'm trying to modify the following PCB:  []( ([]( (Wii Bluetooth PCBv3)) <br> It uses a USB connector from LCSC called U254-051T-4BH23-S2S but I'm trying to replace it with Amphenol <span class="colour" style="color:rgb(68, 68, 68)">10118193-0001LF.</span><br> <br> <span class="colour" style="color:rgb(68, 68, 68)">Can anybody help me?  The footprint is similar but slightly different.  It has the same pins so the routing should be the same but I can't figure out how to replace it?</span>
andyfierman 1 year ago
* Clone the project. * Delete the symbol for the USB connector and replace it with the new one (or if the pinout is the same then simply edit the Footprint attribute using the Footprint Manager and check the new symbol pin to footprint pad assignments) then do Update PCB... * Then adjust PCB routing as required.  * Don't forget to update the Supplier and Manufacturer info in the symbol in the schematic to keep the BoM correct to the new part.
andyfierman 1 year ago
In the schemtic: "Delete the schematic symbol for the USB connector..."
John Klimek 1 year ago
@andyfierman Thanks for the help! I'm really sorry but can you check []( and the "Wii Bluetooth Updated PCB" PCB? I've tried a different approach by just changing the part directly on the PCB (USB2).  However, when I try to connect the routes (nets?) it's showing DRC clearance errors.
andyfierman 1 year ago
That's why I advised you to do it the way I described. Please read (2.2) in (2) in: [](<br> <br> which will explain why this is the easiest solution.
andyfierman 1 year ago
You have to edit the netnames of the pads of the replacement USB connector to be the same as those of the tracks that they are supposed to be connected to. Check that the footprint attribute of the symbol and pin to pad mappings are the same as that of the new footprint. Otherwise if you do Update PCB... or Import Changes... the new footprint will be ripped up and replaced by the original. See also: [https://u\.easyeda\.com/forum/topic/How\_does\_the\_Connect\_Pad\_to\_Pad\_tool\_work\_\-JgQO0Ay7H](<br> <br> :)
John Klimek 1 year ago
Thanks!  I've been able to change the USB connector (and fuse and voltage regulator) and everything looks almost perfect. However, the USB connector has 4 extra pads.  Two are labeled "7" and the other two are labeled "8".  They are support pads to help secure the connector onto the PCB but I'd like them to connect to the ground plane. The bottom two pads I changed the NET to "GND" and it worked.  However, the top two pads I changed to "GND" but now a ratline is appearing and the DRC is showing an incomplete connection. Sorry for so many questions! The project is []( but I'm now using the "Wii Bluetooth PCBv3" PCB.
andyfierman 1 year ago
I haven't looked at your updated project yet but this topic covers the underlying cause of your DRC errors: [](<br> <br> I'm guessing that you need to edit either the symbol or the Footprint to rationalise the pin or pad numbering.
andyfierman 1 year ago
Yup. This topic covers the underlying cause of your DRC errors: []( You need to edit either the symbol or the footprint to rationalise the pin or pad numbering so that the symbol pins and the footprint pads match. BTW: your prefix for USB2 in the schematic does not match that of the physical USB connector in the PCB and so it gets ripped up when you do Update PCB... You really should not try to edit footprints in the PCB: do it using the **Footprint Manager** in the schematic and and then do **Update PCB...** from the Schematic Editor or **Import Changes...** in the PCB Editor.
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