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How can I solve overlapping pin name problem
1509 3
노연재 3 years ago
I cannot differenciate pin name due to overlapping How can I solve this problem any idea? ![image.png](//
andyfierman 3 years ago
Note the symbol prefixes and names. Select a symbol. **Wiring Tools > Group/Ungroup Symbol...** Then you have 2 options: Select a pin then do **Find Similar Objects...** and then click **Find**; In the right hand panel, select a smaller font size. Or: Move the pins to make room for the names then resize the box to fit the new pin positions; If you do this then you will need to redraw and check the wires. Then: Select the whole symbol and click **Group/Ungroup Symbol...** again; Enter the new prefix as U?, Q? or whatever the original prefix was; Enter the original part name. NOTE: all component information such as Supplier, Supplier name, Manufacturer etc.  will have to be re-entered.
노연재 3 years ago
thanks! andy it works!! but I hope easyeda developer fix this problem.. group/ungroup symbol seems like a hack.
andyfierman 3 years ago
Symbols and Footprints must always he checked before use no matter which library they come from. Error reports should be submitted using the Report Error menu or right-click option.
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