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How can simulate circuits with std (No SIM) components?
1584 5
herrero.daniel 1 year ago
Hi First of all, sorry if this topic has been covered but I have found the answer I have create a simple circuit to increase a little signal using an operational amplifier, just to learn how to simulate and create pcb with easyeda I have used basic componentes being in "sim mode" and the simulation was nice. But I need to include a DC Power Jack and a pin header just to expose negative input. So I switched to STD mode and found them (because there are no avaible in SIM mode). Those components are very simple so I thought they dont need a model. Then I create the PCB design correctly. But when I switched to SIM mode again to run a new simulation this error showed up. "There are some parts haven't spice model, please use EELib".....or you can assign the spice model for them: J1: HDR-M-2.54_1x1. So can use those simple components in a simulation? Or can I just disable them for the simulation? Or do they need a model? (A model for a header pin????) I am very frustrated because I dont what to clone the scheme, one for simulation and other to update the PCB Please help []( [https://easyeda\.com/editor\#cmd=new\_schematic\,cmd\_for\_project=f4109338083d46dab785c2c669e386fa](,cmd_for_project=f4109338083d46dab785c2c669e386fa)<br> <br>
andyfierman 1 year ago
Go into Std mode; 1. Split your schematic into 2 sheets: one sheet for all the parts needed for simulation (simulation-only or simulation-support) including power supply and signal sources such as Voltage or Current Sources, off-board loads such as loudspeakers and motors etc. The second sheet for all the non-simulation parts such as connectors, battery holders, switches that do not change state during the simulation time, mounting holes;  2. On the first sheet set simulation-only parts as Add to BOM = No and Convert to PCB = No, off board parts as Convert to PCB = No (you decide if you want to include them in the BOM or edit it after ordering the PCB); 3. On the second sheet set non-simulation parts as Add to BOM = Yes or No and Convert to PCB = Yes or No according to on or off board status. 4. Swap to Sim mode to place symbols for simulatable parts and assign appropriate footprints; 5. Simulate the first sheet only. Swap back to Std mode for PCB layout. For more, see 2.2 and 3 in 2 in: [](<br> <br> Note that 2.1 is out of date and is effectively replaced by the above.
herrero.daniel 1 year ago
Thanks. so the pcb would be fed from both schematics, isnt it? I have updated the project so It would be nice if  you could take a look to verify if I have undestood you correctly
andyfierman 1 year ago
In EasyEDA Std all schematics in a Project feed into one PCB. One point I forgot is that you can connect nets between sheets using any of the available symbols. Net labels, Net Flags an Net Ports all connect between sheets.
andyfierman 1 year ago
@herrero.daniel, Well done! Almost there. A couple of simple changes: 1. In the SIM SUPPORT sheet you just need to change the net port 1 name to IN (or just replace it with a net label called IN) and add one at the Oscilloscope input called OUT to match the connectors in the Non-Sim sheet;  2. In the Non-Sim sheet: add a short wire with a netlabel called IN to J2 and another with a netlabel called OUT to J3. J5 is OK because it is already connected to GND.
herrero.daniel 1 year ago
Thanks for your help !!
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