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How do I properly add terminal block to these components?
1995 6
guchielectronics 5 years ago
Hello all. I'm almost done with my design, and am wondering how would I add a female terminal block properly to my components. Do I put all of the +5 inputs to the first pin and all of the grounded pins to the second pin of the terminal block? And by doing so, after I solder all of these components on the PCB, will it properly energize all components? Thank you
andyfierman 5 years ago
Your questions are impossible to answer without a lot more information about your circuit. Suggest you read - at least - sections 2, 4 and 6 of: [https://easyeda\.com/andyfierman/Welcome\_to\_EasyEDA\-31e1288f882e49e582699b8eb7fe9b1f](
guchielectronics 5 years ago
What I'm basically asking is if this seems correct enough to put on a PCB ([](
guchielectronics 5 years ago
I have the input connections and grounded connections connected to the positive and negative rail of the female terminal block, is this correct?
guchielectronics 5 years ago
picture of schematic ([](
guchielectronics 5 years ago
So each 555 is set in bistable mode. The first two are connected to a 4017 counter, and the last one is connected to a 7490 counter. I'm wondering if I'm doing this correctly - connecting all of the 555, 4017, 7490, and the 7447 decoder input / ground pins to the female terminal block. Also, I connected each push button (positive and negative side), to the female terminal block to their respective location. And finally I connected all of the LED ground pins to the negative female terminal block, and the ceramic debounce capacitors to the negative terminal block. Is this correctly done?
andyfierman 5 years ago
If you want people to help review your design then please provide a link to a public project rather than an image. It is very hard to review a design based on the incomplete information given by screenshots as compared to being able to check the design thoroughly using the EasyEDA tools such as the Schematic and PCB Design Managers and BoM information. Your schematic is very cluttered and is therefore hard to read reliably. One thing that is obvious is that you have not put any decoupling capacitance in the circuit aywhere. Without this, your PCB will almost certainly not work. You MUST put suitable power supply decoupling directly across _every_ chip (about 100nF ceramic cap) as well as some bulk decoupling at the supply input to the board (100uF electrolytic) and _at least_ 10uF directly across the 555 timer (in addition to the 100nF). Please see: [https://easyeda\.com/andyfierman/Power\_supply\_decoupling\_and\_why\_it\_matters\_\-451e18a0d36b4f208394b2a2ff7642c9]( Your PCB so far is just a bunch of footprints inside and outline so it is fruitless to comment on it yet. Make the most of the fact that you are making a 2 layer PCB and use ground and 5V copper pours (Copper Area) to reduce your supply rail impedances.
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