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How do I route differential pairs ?
2559 5
luudee 6 years ago
Sorry, I did do a search but can't find any info. Many Thanks !!!
andyfierman 6 years ago
Just search "differential" then look under "Forums": []( which includes a link to: [](
andyfierman 6 years ago
See: ## What’s new in v5.6.15 2018.07.21 ### New Features * ![](//) Differential Pair Routing(First version) * Via: Topbar - Route - Differential Pair Routing... * Notice: The PCB differential pair net name must named as XXX\_N\, XXX\_P or XXX\+\, XXX\- in: [](
luudee 6 years ago
Thank you very much Andy !    I did not see the post from Eric. By the way, it seems not to avoid obstacles: ![diff_route.jpg](// Here it routed over the ground pad of a board edge SMA connector. Many Thanks ! rudi
luudee 6 years ago
I made this particular project Public: []( I worked around the above issue, by: 1) moving the SMA connectors inside. 2) Then routing the differential signals. 3) locking the traces. 4) Moving the SMA connectors back. 5) Adding a small trace from the SMA connector to the differential signal. It looks good now!~~~~ rudi
andyfierman 6 years ago
Thanks for your feedback.
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