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How do i get a simple circuit to Simulate
2462 3
ErnieH 5 years ago
Hello i'm trying as a 1st timer to make the simplest schmatic circuit using a battery, Led, & a 220R resistor, but i get errors when i try 2 simulate regards the battery pins.  Could someone please send me a circuit using 3 components that will simulate. Thanks ErnieH Actually i think i got it, i'd chose the wrong voltage source icon. ![Simple Circuit.jpg](// Does anyone now why the simulator writes this test _" .tran 10m "_ Thanks ErinieH
andyfierman 5 years ago
You are getting the big tran statement because you haven't spevifiedvthe simulation directives. This is our bad because we have not made it clear that to do that in the new simulator, you have to first do: **CTRL+J** to define which simulation you wish to run and what parameters you wish to specify. Then you can do: **CTRL+R** to run the simulation. **_Please also read (3) in (2) in: _** [](
andyfierman 5 years ago
You are getting the big tran statement because you haven't **specified** the simulation directives.
andyfierman 5 years ago
BTW, please change the category of this topic to **Spice Simulation**.
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