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How many parts can be 3D Viewed in STD 6.5.34?
372 5
clispe h 1 year ago
How many parts can be 3D Viewed in STD 6.5.34? Up to 390 3D views were possible, over 400 can't draw and get no response. The Pro 2.0.31 possible 430 3D views. It's my video card problem?
haidy_easyeda 1 year ago
Hello, your problem may be due to placing too many components on the schematic diagram. Although there is no clear limit on how many components can be placed on the schematic diagram, we do not recommend that you place too many components, because the number is too large, it will cause the lag on the PCB and 3D model and can not continue to add. It is suggested that you can paginate on the schematic diagram. The schematic diagram is divided into several pages to draw ~ I hope my suggestions can help you, I wish you a good day!!
clispe h 1 year ago
Because of the unsatisfactory simulation results compared to the physical results, the limited number of times per day, and the inability to include simulations for parts by manufacturer, the schematic provided by EasyEDA not use. Schematic is prepare with TINA or LTSpice to design on PCB the pattern. I'll take your advice. Thank you.
andyfierman 1 year ago
@cxreload, Your reply above has suddenly gone way off your original topic but I will try to address your concerns about simulation in EasyEDA. EasyEDA Pro does not support simulation. EasyEDA Std uses LTspice as the simulation engine. Hence, "...unsatisfactory simulation results compared to the physical results..." are almost certainly a function of the simulation modelling and not of simulation tool being used. "...the inability to include simulations for parts by manufacturer..." Although Spice Symbols for them may not be available in the EasyEDA libraries and so may have to be created by users, since EasyEDA Std uses LTspice for simulation, all spice models that are included in the built-in LTspice libraries can be simulated in EasyEDA Std. In addition to the LTspice built-in libraries, EasyEDA contains quite a few Spice Symbols with spice models associated with them for devices which are not publicly available anywhere else. Note that because such models are being run on LTspice, as long as symbols are created for them, they can be run in a local installation of LTspice. One area where a native installation of LTspice is better than using EasyEDA is that of waveform plotting and results analysis. It is also worth noting that EasyEDA Pro supports the import of LTspice .asc schematic files from which fully documented schematics can be created and converted into PCBs. For more information about spice simulation in EasyEDA Std, please read the Simulation Tutorial (3), in Welcome to EasyEDA, (2) in: [](<br> <br>
clispe h 1 year ago
Thanks for the very interesting information. Let's find out how to register LTspice values for each manufacturer's part information (although Pspice is mainly used) in EasyEDA STD.
andyfierman 1 year ago
Sections 14, 15 and 16 in the Simulation Tutorial describe how to assign models to spice symbols and how to add custom spice models to schematics in a similar way to how it works directly in LTspice. BTW,  you can export an LTspice netlist from EasyEDA and run it in LTspice to make use of the better plotting on LTspice. You can also run an LTspice netlist in EasyEDA as long as the models are either natively present in the LTspice or EasyEDA libraries or are embedded in the imported LTspice netlist. This is why the EasyEDA Simulation Tutorial is marked as essential reading before attempting simulations in EasyEDA. :) <br> <br>
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