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How to Use the same Header on multiple Schemetics
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Dominik Billinger 5 years ago
Hi there, I need some help for my Schamatic, maybe anybody have a solution for my skill problem with Using EasyEDA. I have 3 different circuits (divided by function) and i want to have them all on the Same 18x2 Male Header to connect them directly to my Arduino Mega 2560. For better clarity i have drawn every different circuit on a separate Sheet. So my question: Can i  split this 18x2 Male Header and draw the needed Pins on each separate Sheet? If so, how its done? If not is there any other possible way to solve this? Thanks in Forward Dominik
andyfierman 5 years ago
"Can i  split this 18x2 Male Header and draw the needed Pins on each separate Sheet?" Only if you create a symbol made of 3 subparts. Then you can put each subpart on a separate sheet. "If so, how its done?" See the Tutorial and (2.3) in (2) in: []( "If not is there any other possible way to solve this?" It is much easier if you just put the single connector on one of your sheets with one of your circuits and then use the off-page netport: ![image.png](// to point all the connections for each of the other two circuits across to their respective sheets. One each of these sheets copy across the respective netports and then connect them up to the relevant places in the circuit. Remember that nets are actually connected by labels (either those that EasyEDA auto-assigns or those that you manually place as netlabels). The wires that you draw in are there to tell EasyEDA that nodes connected by them are on the same net. If you just use netlabels you can connect nodes without - but just the same as if - using wires. In some cases wires help with schematic clarity and readability. In others netlabels are more convenient.
Dominik Billinger 5 years ago
@andyfierman thanks for helping me out on this one.
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