After pressing **Convert to PCB...** objects on a PCB will be initially positioned automatically.
They can then be moved and positioned manually.
This post shows ways to accurately position them after their initial placement.
**PCB Footprints:**
Enter the X and Y PCB Footprint centres in the X Location and Y Location Component Attributes in the right hand panel:

Enter the X and Y centres in the Center X and Center Y Hole Properties in the right hand panel:

**Offsetting PCB Footprints, Holes and other PCB objects:**
**Absolute Offset**
Right-click > Offset > Absolute Offset:

Offsets the XY centres by the distances you enter in the text fields:

\*\*Relative Offset: \*\*
Right-click > Offset > Absolute Offset
Offsets the XY centres by the distances you enter in the text fields from the reference point that you select:

**Distribute Array**
There is also the Distribute Array tool:

You select the objects that you want to distribute and then enter the distribution array parameters which is explained a little more here: