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How to add V-Cut in design
5931 5
ITregear 4 years ago
Hi, So I've made a PCB which technically consists of 3 pcbs as shown below. I want it so that they're held together by v-cuts allowing me to easily snap them apart when I want. The idea is that I can use one stencil for all of them at once while they're attached together, and then once I've soldered components I can snap them to use individually. How to I indicate this in my gerber file. Last time I did this I got an email from the support team saying they couldn't do a v-cut like this and they instead offered to make individual boards. How can I change this file so that the designs will be separated by v-cuts. Thanks,![PCB](//
UserSupport 4 years ago
If is the same PCB you can use the Panelize tool []( If you need to v-cut the different panelized PCBs, you can draw a track on the mechanical layer to indicate as below image: ![图片.png](//
ITregear 4 years ago
I did that, as can be seen in my picture above but the JLCPCB team said that they couldn't v-cut it. Why is that?
andyfierman 4 years ago
@ITregear, You may need to check JLCPCB's V cut rules here: [](
Anil Maharjan 1 year ago
Very good question. I am interested in answer as well, in my case I want to build an irregular shaped board, just like Ying Yan which combined forms a rectangular shape but individually they are more P shaped but both will be an identical design.
andyfierman 1 year ago
@anil.ohgod, You are posting into a 3 year old thread. Your question is unclear. Please post your question as a new topic with supporting information to illustrate what you want to achieve.
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