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How to add a diode Zener?
2861 8
Salvatore D\'angelo 4 years ago
Hi Everyone, I am new to EasyEda and I started to do some simple circuits. I want to try a simple 12 V Diode Zener circuit with a Zener and two Resistors and 15 V DC source. Here the circuit: []( The problem is that I don't find it in EELib. I searched in SpiceLib but when I add to the schema and start the simulation it says that it is not in EELib. I noticed there are a lot of people use Zener in their schema, how I can do it? How I can use Diode Zener with common voltage 2.4, 4.7, and so on? Another thing I want to do is check the output voltage when the output resistor value increase or decrease, to do that I want to use a vbProve but it's not clear to me where to find the voltage value. Thank you in advance for your help.
Salvatore D\'angelo 4 years ago
I just found a Zener BZX84C10L, I renamed in BZX84C12L and with volProbe1 I see 12.04V. Anyone can help me to understand this? I found it in Spice Lib->System and looking for Diode. Is this the only way to get a Zener? If so, why renaming it I can have a Zener with different voltage? Which voltage is supported?
andyfierman 4 years ago
Please read (3) in (2) in: [](
andyfierman 4 years ago
Changing the name of a Spice Symbol changes the model called up by the spice symbol. Changing the Spice Symbol spice prefix selects whether the symbol is expecting a .model or a .subckt type of model (see Device Models in the Spice Tutorial (3) in (2) in the link above). In your particular simulation, the spice symbol name of BZX84C10L actually calls up the BZX84C10L from the LTspice built-in libraries in preference to the  model of the same name in the EasyEDA library. Changing the diode name from BZX84C10L to BZX84C12L then changes the model called up by the spice symbol to the BZX84C12L, also from the LTspice built-in libraries. At the moment we do not have a way to display what models are available from the LTspice built-in libraries so the Search Libraries tool only shows models from the EasyEDA library. You can however, install LTspice on your local machine and explore the LTspice built-in libraries and then use those names in your EasyEDA simulations but please be aware that not all the models in LTspice have corresponding Spice Symbols in EasyEDA..
Salvatore D\'angelo 4 years ago
Thank you fr reply
Salvatore D\'angelo 4 years ago
Hi again, Just FYI I read the tutorial and I looked for an answer to my question on google/search bar of this forum. EasyEda is very intuitive but when I need to choose for a component is a dilemma. In some cases (resistors, capacitors, etc.) is easy, in others (transformers, AC Power Supply, Zener) it is not. My problem is that I see too many options and it's not clear to me what to choose, in other cases I simply ignore how Spice software works (I have never used it) and its terminology is not clear to me. In addition to search, I tried several "try and error" approach. Now with the Zener the problem seems solved but I still have doubts about: how many Zener there are in total on EasyEda? how I can find all of them? Do they cover all possible breakdown voltage there are in commerce? I will try your suggestion hoping to find an answer. Thank you for your reply.
andyfierman 4 years ago
@sasadangelo, "Do they cover all possible breakdown voltage there are in commerce?" No because there are thousands of different models from different suppliers. That is the main reason why the Spice tutorial describes how to copy and paste 3rd party models into your simulations and how to ask for them to be uploaded. There is also the problem that sadly, some of the models supplied by device manufacturers (even the big name companies) are better quality than others and we do not have the resources to test every model against the datasheets.
Salvatore D\'angelo 4 years ago
Which tutorial are you referring to? I found the "rename" stuff in a discussion in the forum.
andyfierman 4 years ago
As posted above it is (3) in (2) in: [](
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