Hi Everyone,
I am new to EasyEda and I started to do some simple circuits. I want to try a simple 12 V Diode Zener circuit with a Zener and two Resistors and 15 V DC source. Here the circuit:
The problem is that I don't find it in EELib. I searched in SpiceLib but when I add to the schema and start the simulation it says that it is not in EELib. I noticed there are a lot of people use Zener in their schema, how I can do it? How I can use Diode Zener with common voltage 2.4, 4.7, and so on?
Another thing I want to do is check the output voltage when the output resistor value increase or decrease, to do that I want to use a vbProve but it's not clear to me where to find the voltage value.
Thank you in advance for your help.