<span class="colour" style="color: rgb(51, 51, 51);">I'm currently trying to replicate this Yamaha BB5000A preamp but i wanted to add a gain trimpot since it was designed to be paired with active pickups. Active pickups have much more output and they are quite rare to be used in a bass. I was wondering if it's possible to add a gain trimpot to make it a "passive pickups friendly preamp". It's a 2 band preamp that uses 30k linear pots, since it's quite difficult to find this value, is it possible to change them with a more traditional 50k linear pots? It's a single layer PCB and this is my first time trying to trace. Once it's all done i will rearrange the geometric disposition of the components to make it smaller and double layer. I add a square pad which is the ground (to avoid soldering a cable direclty to the bass pot). B stands for "bass", T for "treble". I don't own this preamp, a friend of mine lend my his Yamaha.</span><br>
<span class="colour" style="color: rgb(51, 51, 51);">Here it is my project:</span> [https://oshwlab.com/difesa98/yamaha-bb5000a](https://oshwlab.com/difesa98/yamaha-bb5000a) (you can find all the value in the excel file)