Hi all,
I would like to create a new schematic symbol with a model, so it can be simulated, but I'm not able to complete the task:
* I can see my symbol if I open _Libraries_ and search for for _IRLB3813PBF_, although I'm not sure if it is visible for other people, as it appers under _Personal_.
* If I place my symbol, it comes all complete with the spice text, which is not very practical.
* I believe that I have to specify somewhere the spice prefix, but I can't find where.
The component I want to create is the IRLB3813PBF, by Infineon:
* Its spice model is available here: https://www.digikey.com/product-detail/en/infineon-technologies/IRLB3813PBF/IRLB3813PBF-ND/2118485
* It is packaged in a TO-220AB, which is already available in the libraries.
This is what I've done so far:
1. From the menu, I've created a _New Spice Symbol_.
2. I've drawn something that looks like a MOSFET, with a circle and three pins.
3. I've assigned the ``TO-220AB(TO-220-3)`` package.
4. I've numbered the pins according the the PCB package
5. I've created a new _Text_ area, and specified in its properties that it is a _spice_ text.
6. I've downloaded the spice model, which is a ``.SUBCKT``, and pasted into the _Text_ area. For this I've double-clicked on the text to open the multi-line text editor, so as to avoid the carriage-return to collapse.
7. I've updated the _spice number_ of the pins according to the inputs in the spice model.
8. I've saved the symbol and specified the manufacturer reference, the provider and a link.
I've read the following tutorials:
* https://docs.easyeda.com/en/SchematicLib/SchLib-Create/index.html - But there is nothing very specifc about associating the spice model. It just explains about how to use the spice number in the pins.
* https://docs.easyeda.com/en/Simulation/Chapter1-Introduction/index.html - It emphasizes that _it is quite straightforward to create a spice symbol for it within EasyEDA either by editing an existing symbol or by creating a new one from scratch_, but it only provides two links about that subject, which I've followed:
* https://docs.easyeda.com/en/Simulation/Chapter14-Device-models/index.html - I took from there the idea that I had to paste the ``SUBCKT`` into a text of type _spice_, but there are not more details about the procedure when I'm creating a _spice symbol_
* https://docs.easyeda.com/en/Simulation/Chapter15-Schematic-symbols-prefixes-and-pin-numbers/index.html - Important stuff but again, nothing particular to what I'm trying to do.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.