I'm new to EasyEDA, and have successfully captured my schematic, generated a 2 layer PCB, placed the components, added tracks on the top layer, and added a ground plane (copper region) to the bottom layer.
My goal now is to connect the components' pads to the ground plane, by adding vias and then adding tracks from the appropriate pads to the vias. I'm getting errors when I do this.
I reduced my circuit down to a minimal example which shows the problem, available at [https://oshwlab.com/srobertjames/minimal-example-led](https://oshwlab.com/srobertjames/minimal-example-led) . There are two pads which need to go to GND. I've added a via next to each one. EasyEDA does not let me connect the pads to the vias: when I try to draw the track, it will stop outside the via. How do I connect the via to the pad?
Also, in some cases, a yellow X appears on or near the via. I do not know what that signifies. Likewise, the 3D view does not seem to show the ground plane (copper region) on the bottom of the board.