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How to create a solid or filled circle using the Circle tool
3919 1
andyfierman 5 years ago
The Circle tool only draws an unfilled circle but with a bit of lateral thinking, it can be used to create a solid circular area. 1. To create a circular area of diameter X, draw a circle and then set the **Radius** to X/4; 2. Set the **Width** to **exactly** X/2; 3. Check the area if the PCB units are swapped. * That will create a circular area with no hole in the middle. Note that a smaller (or larger!) Width will leave a hole in the middle.
UserSupport 5 years ago
And you can try: Method 1: 1, Draw a circle 2, Right-click it , and use "Convert to Board Cutout" 3, Click the Converted object(which is a solid region in multi-layer), change its type to "solid", layer to other layer, such as topsilklayer Done. Method 2: 1, Use "Solid Region" tool 2, Press hotkey "L" to change routing shape to Arc 3, You will draw a half of circle in one step, two times become a circle.
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