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How to create findable footprints and searchable symbols
2458 4
andyfierman 6 years ago
One of the most frequently asked questions about EasyEDA is how to find a Schematic Symbol or a PCB footprint for a particular component. This is always a difficult task in any EDA tool. In EasyEDA, the [Design Flow]( is based on finding the Schematic Symbols (Sch Libs) and PCB Footprints (PCB Libs) first, before starting on a Schematic. If suitable Schematic Symbols and PCB Footprints are not available then the required PCB Footprints should be created first followed by the Schematic Symbols. This is because when the Schematic is drawn each Schematic Symbol that is placed in it must have a Package (a.k.a. PCB Footprint) assigned to it. Then, when the Schematic is converted to a PCB, all the correct PCB Footprints are automatically pulled in based on the Package assigned to each Schematic Symbol’s Package attribute. Therefore to create the Schematic, the Schematic Symbols must be found and placed but for the symbols to be of any use they must have PCB Footprints either already associated with them or assigned to them after they have been placed in the Schematic. This document linked to below describes some of the issues around finding symbols and footprints and around associating footprints to symbols. **Note that all symbols and footprints saved to any library are automatically publicly available. This is true even for symbols and footprints saved from within Private and Team Projects.** The document then goes on to describe a procedure that guides the user to create high quality, well documented Schematic Symbols and their associated PCB Footprints which can be easily found and clearly identified by all other users. Please see: [How to create findable Footprints and searchable Symbols]( or: [How to create findable Footprints and searchable Symbols (web version)](
MikeDB 6 years ago
Can I add to Andy's guide, if you don't finish a symbol or footprint, PLEASE DELETE IT or suffix it as \.   Saves an awful lot of time for others who see the name as exactly what they want and then find it isn't. Also please, please, please check all PCB footprints are on the snap grid.  I've found numerous transistors where the pins are not quite equally spaced.  For most people it's probably not a problem but as soon as you go to high voltage and have wider design rules, you suddenly find DRC failures due to pins not being quite where you think they are.
andyfierman 6 years ago
@MikeDB, Thanks for those points. I'll add them to the document and to the PCB checklist.
chrisw 6 years ago
This is my first time using this software, so I dont fully understand the terms used or even how to modify anything. But when I checked for the part in the Library it said : TITLE Max7401EPA,  PACKAGE Maxm-P8-2, then DESCRIPTION 8th-Order Switched Capacitor Lowpass Filter, Bessel, 5V, -40 to 85 degC, 8_pin DIP (P8-2). So if all this information is already in the Library why cant it find the package? I dont understand what I have to do. Chris
EasyEDA 6 years ago
Please see my response in: [](
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