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How to delete a post
1368 3
andyfierman 4 years ago
**Please see this Bug Report: ** [****](<br> <br> If you go to your **User Center** and then select **Topics**, you can choose to list, select and delete any of **My Topics** or **My Comments** in a topic: ![image.png](// []( [](<br> <br> * My Comments offer the choice of comments in Topics or in Projects. It may take some time for the list to populate but once it has, by hovering over a line in the panel to the right, a grey delete "X" will appear at the right hand end of that line. Click on the "X" to delete **the whole selected Topic** or just **an individual Comment**. * Remember that deleting a Topic will also delete all the Comments in that Topic so please consider that even though the Topic may no longer be irrelevant to you, other people's comments may contain information that is useful to others. :)
Tonigau 2 years ago
I posted & then realized I made a silly mistake & didn't need help (just minutes after posting) So I renamed post to "how to delete post" after looking how to. Must be something wrong with my account, clicking on my profile takes me to []( I clicked the link [ & get    ]( My Topics(0) Thanks for the help
andyfierman 2 years ago
For clarity, the statement: "...I renamed post to "how to delete post"..." does not refer to this topic. It refers to the OPs retitled topic: [](<br> <br>
andyfierman 2 years ago
@UserSupport, It also appears: 1. that the **Comment** list is not being properly populated and updated. 2. to be impossible to delete a **Comment** because there is no delete 'X' button accessible at the right hand end of the comment line: ![image.png](// The comments shown in the list are all old and even when doing CTRL+- to zoom out the browser page, it is not possible to find a delete 'X' button: ![image.png](//
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