You need to use EasyEDA editor to create some projects before publishing
How to do the PCB just only bottom layer?
2137 4
I want to do the PCB just only bottom layer because my circuit isn’t complicate and easier design than 2 layer. Thank!
andyfierman 6 years ago
If you are etching the PCBs yourself then: []( If you want to have them made by JCPCB via EasyEDA then the default PCB is 2 layer so it is easier for you to just track on the top and/or bottom layers as you feel comfortable with. There is no cost difference between asking JLCPCB for a single or double sided PCB but a single sided board is more work for you because you have to remember to set every through hole pad to be Not Plated. :)
andyfierman 6 years ago
@Witchayapat Chamnarnmor, Please note that the Safari browser is not supported by EasyEDA. For best results please use Chrome, Chromium or Firefox.
Oh thank you for your help! But now I have some question,Do you know how to export layer for Gerber to Altium designer?
andyfierman 6 years ago
@maiq.cnm13, Gerbers are the files from which you manufacture the PCB - you can submit them directly to JLCPCB or send them to a manufacturer of your choice - so I'm not sure why you need to import the EasyEDA Gerbers into Altium, especially if your PCB is a simple single layer design. Anyhow, this is how you export Gerbers from EasyEDA... ![image.png](// ![image.png](// Click **Yes** because you **must** check your design before generating the Gerber files: ![image.png](// Then repeat: ![image.png](// Click **No**: ![image.png](// Click **Generate Gerber**: then open the Gerber_New file that has been downloaded to your machine. Or just click **Order at JLCPCB**... :)
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