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How to draw footprint for RF devices?
366 1
Phil Koh 3 years ago
The recommended footprints for RF devices usually include a large number of ground vias \(to reduce inductance\)\, and large\-area ground areas carefully placed at specific locations and distances from the pin pads\.  However\, most of this ground \*must\* be covered with soldermask so the pin pads will correctly hold solder paste\.  One very much wants this ground layout to be part of the footprint\, because re\-drawing it every time the part is used is quite laborious and prone to accidentally making the edges of the ground a few mils off where they are supposed to be\.  What is the best method for drawing these pre\-defined ground solid shapes?  When I tried them in EASYEDA as shown for this four\-pin part \(which has two pins grounded\, and an input and output pin\)\, I get a hundred DRC errors because there is no way to assign the metal ground areas to be net GND\.  Thank you\. ![image.png](//
andyfierman 3 years ago
@pk14225, This topic and the topics that it links to will tell you everything you need to know and probably a lot more besides: [](
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