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How to draw sraght lines at arbirary angle?
474 5
yy13503 3 years ago
I used to be able to draw  border lines and  tracks at any angles to suit directional  needs.  This is for placing components  in special directions or patterns. But current version seems only allow 45 and 90 degree angles.   I  searched but couldn't find any setiings to let me change that.  Can  you provide the option for drawing straight lines (may not be tracks) at any angles?   I believe  you have the codes already.  Thanks.
andyfierman 3 years ago
deskpro256 3 years ago
Hi, is this what you mean? ![lines.gif](// ![Screenshot_1.png](//
yy13503 3 years ago
Yes.  Thank you.
rlbrinkman 2 years ago
I have a similar need, perhaps not exactly the same as the original question.  The solution needed, though, is not like the suggestions provided.  A snippet from my schematic: ![untitled1.jpg](// ...would be more straightforward to read if the wires could go straight from each resistor to its connector pin.  In my case none of the wires will cross, so there will be no routing confusion. So, is there an option for straight wires rather than 90 degree wries? I obviously don't want to "draw" lines - they need to be recognized as wires that will later be routed on the PCB.
andyfierman 2 years ago
@rlbrinkman, Once you have placed a wire you can drag the green end and the blue add-vertex points to any angle.
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