You need to use EasyEDA editor to create some projects before publishing
How to edit personal components after import
1187 1
Gerriko io 1 year ago
I have reluctantly switched over to the Pro version and I am finding that it not very intuitive as the Standard version. For example, adding and then editing components in the Standard version was ever so easy. I simply clicked on the thumbnail and it would open up on my browser. This is not the case with Pro. This is what I have discovered so far. I have just imported a component into my Pro version. I did this by first exporting both the schematic and the footprint from the Standard version and then I combined these files in a zip file before selecting these to import in Pro. However, now it is not so clear. I had to first click refresh to see my new imported component. Shown in the image, I can see in "Device" table that it lists a Device and a Footprint. ![image.png](// If I then click the "Symbol" tab it shows me: ![image.png](// But if I click on "Footprint" it is blank - so where did that footprint go? ![image.png](// Now, if I go back to the Device Tab, I can find no obvious method to edit my component. Why is this so difficult to find? I also then want to add in a 3d model to my component. In the Standard version this was very easy, but in the Pro version I cannot find a similar method.
UserSupport 1 year ago
you search a wrong name for footprint ![image.png](// to edit the device, you need to right-click the list to edit
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